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Keep your food fresh even in hottest months


Since spoiled food can lead to food poisoning, it is very important to store it the right way. This is even more crucial in hot summer days, when food can go bad faster due to higher temperatures which cause bacteria to multiply. Different types of food demand different storing conditions, so we’ve prepared a guide, that will help you organize your fridge in a way that will allow every type of food not only increase its shelf life but maintain the highest quality as well. So, say goodbye to food waste by introducing these simple tips and tricks into your life.

Do not overfill your fridge

Stuffing your refrigerator with too many items of food can result in blocking air circulation and reducing energy efficiency. If you overfill your fridge often it might make sense, to think about getting a bigger fridge, that will be more energy efficient. Hisense offers many different models, that come with My Fresh Choice Zone, which is a compartment with system that controls accurate temperature and can be easily converted from fridge to freezer, since its settings allow you to choose temperature from -20°C all the way to 5°C. Don’t worry about lack of fridge or freezer space as you can simply convert the My Fresh Choice Zone into either. If you’re having a big barbecue you can now stock up on cold drinks without digging up the old cooler bags. Or if you have to much home grown produce you don’t need to give them all away to your neighbours and friends (although it’s a nice gesture) just because you don’t have an extra freezer. Simply switch your convertible compartment into a freezer.

Take proper care of your leftovers

It is recommended to use refrigerated leftovers within three to five days, but if you freeze them, they can be good for up to four months. Whichever way you decide to store them, make sure they cool down beforehand, and do not place them in your fridge or freezer while they are still hot.

Meat and fish demand special care

Raw meat, fish and seafood are best stored on temperatures around 0°C. Most types of uncooked meat can be kept in refrigerator for a day or two, after that it should be cooked or frozen, to prevent it from going bad. Also make sure you put meat, fish, and seafood in the refrigerator in a vacuum-sealed packaging or at least on a plate, so that its juices do not contaminate other items.

Keep your fruit and vegetables fresh

If you are growing your own produce, you want to keep it as fresh as the moment you picked it up. If, however you prefer to buy it, make sure you start by picking the best ones. You can tell that fruits and vegetables are in their prime, when they have a rich colour, do not have yellowing leaves and blemishes or soft spots. When refrigerating fruits and vegetables, make sure the temperature is between 4°C and 7°C. However, when storing produce, temperature is not the only thing you must pay attention to. Humidity has a big effect on fruit and vegetables, since it can cause it to dry out or ripe too soon. Hisense refrigerators come with a Moisture Fresh Crisper drawer, that enables you to keep fruit and vegetables crisp and fresh since it maintains best temperature and humidity conditions for produce.