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Load the dishwasher correctly: the step-by-step guide


If you are looking for reasons why your new dishwasher does not clean dishes like it is supposed to, let us tell you: most probably is not the dishwasher, it is you. In fact, the most common reason why some dishes remain dirty, even after the most intense dishwasher cycle, is overcrowding the racks or poor loading technique.

Yes, we know, you have a “system”, and this is how you are used to do your dishes since forever. But maybe the system is wrong. Before you start screaming and cursing at the poor machine, try our step-by-step guide on how to stack the dishwasher like a pro. We have gathered the best tips on how to properly load the dishwasher, so every single item comes out squeaky clean and spotless.


Scrape off any stuck food

Before stacking dishes in the dishwasher remove any food leftovers. A simple fork action will do, you don’t need to thoroughly pre-wash every single item. Advanced technologies in new machines, like the Hisense dishwasher, do a great job on dirty dishes, especially when paired with a high-quality dishwashing detergent or pod. Handwashing before stacking is simply a waste of water, time, and money.

Bottom is for big items

The bottom rack is designed to hold plates, pots, pans and salad bowls. The biggest Hisense dishwashers, provide more than enough space for even the largest pots. Designed to fit up to 16 place settings, they come with flexible interior, so you can adjust the height of the upper basket to tailor the space to your needs.


Put the biggest items on the sides, so they don’t block the sprayer arms in action. Arrange all remaining plates and pots facing towards the middle of the machine, so the dirtiest surfaces will get the best spraying. Just go clockwise. Everything should face towards the middle, avoid putting all the plates in the same direction. The foldable plate supports in the lower basket of your Hisense dishwasher, will help you make the best use of space.

Never put large flat pans near the door, as they may block the detergent from reaching other dishes. Rather put them on the sides or in the back of the bottom rack. You should also avoid putting them face down, as they may obstruct the water flow through the machine.

Stack glasses, mugs and small items on top

The top rack is for small dishes, like breakfast bowls, glasses and mugs. Stack them orderly, face down. If your bowls have a concave bottom, tilt them sideways, so all the water will run away. While some Hisense dishwashers, have a special flexible third rack for cooking utensils and cutlery that provides the best washing and drying results, you can also put them in the top rack.

Make smart use of the cutlery basket

Does your dishwasher have a cutlery basket? Cutlery should go in facing upright, so forks and spoons get a better cleaning. The only exception are sharp steak knives – they should be always facing down to avoid any cuts while loading or unloading.

If your dishwasher has a flexible basket that can be used as a single or double unit, like the Hisense one, make smart choices while loading. You can use just half the basket for cutlery to make more space for large pots and pans.


Do not overcrowd the dishwasher

This step is essential for sparkling clean results. All pots, plates and glasses should have enough space around them for the water and detergent to reach through. When you stack bowls one over the other, overlaying surfaces will not get proper cleaning.

If your load is too big even for the largest Hisense dishwasher, divide it into two smaller ones. Make good use of smart dishwashing programmes. Maybe do one load with intense washing for the dirtiest pots and pans and one fast 15 minutes cycle for cups, plates, and glasses. For even better results, use the intuitive Automatic program. The dishwasher uses advanced sensor technology to optimize the cleaning cycle based on dish load and dirt level, which leads to as much as 50% reduction in energy consumption by intelligently assessing the level of dirt of the dishes.

Check if the spraying arms can move freely

Finally, reach for every single spraying arm and give it a gentle spin. Is there anything blocking it? Move it or even remove it from the basket.

Now you are all set. Close the dishwasher, set the programme, and wait for the machine to notify you when your dishes are done. With the smart Auto Dry function of Hisense dishwashers, you won’t even have to dry the dishes yourself. They will be perfectly clean and dry, ready to unload.

Want to know more about all the amazing features of Hisense dishwashers? Check out the latest innovations here.